How To Support And Be Supported Within #RRBC

Dear Member!

We are often asked the question: “How can I be more supportive in the club?”​ ​so we have compiled a list of very helpful tips for those of you who aren’t sure of what to do or where to begin. Take a peek:

1) If you have a blog​ or web​site and are trying to build interest in​, or ​a following to your site, you are very welcome to invite members using the club’s hashtags, but, I will direct you to item #6 specifically, of our CODE OF CONDUCT. If you plan on using the club’s hashtags for ​these purposes​​, please first understand the rule​s​. If you would like to add your blog to our APPROVED MEMBER BLOGS AND WEBSITES forum, please follow the instructions listed there.

2) For members to get to know you and become interested in supporting you (specifically by purchasing, reading and reviewing your books), they have to know you first. Take the time to visit, introduce yourself and mingle with other members in the various areas of the site​, because once they know you, you become a true family member here. They’ll know that you are not here to​ just​ take support, but you’re also interested in giving it.

3) Be sure to #follow as many of your fellow #RRBC members on Twitter and they ​are encouraged to, and typically do​ follow in return. Our members search for tweets that contain the​ ​#RRBC, #RaveReviewsBookClub hashtags or the @RRBC_Org account​​ so that they can re-tweet and support those members, so​, ensure that you are using​ those hashtags and that account ​in all your tweets of your books that are listed in the #RRBC catalog, as well as tweets of fellow members’ books (that are listed in the #RRBC catalog).

4) Ensure that your Twitter feed is showing more support for others (especially your #RRBC fellow members) than it is for yourself, because when members see you supporting others, they jump on board to support you! You are just one in the masses trying to get the word out about your book​s​, but​,​ imagine how wide that spread would be if there were hundreds out there spreading the word of your book​s​? When we go looking for those members to place in the ​monthly ​hot seats here at #RRBC, such as​ BOOK OF THE MONTH, ​ #PUSHTUESDAY Author, ​RAVE WAVES guest, ​etc., we head straight to Twitter first to see how supportive members are there! Here is an example of an uber-supportive Twitter feed: @RRBC_Org.

5) Ensure that #RRBC is prominently displayed in your Twitter bio, as well as your Facebook bio, because our members seek out those who are displaying our name to throw extra support behind them.

6) Read every single line of the NEWSLETTER when notice of it reaches your email box​. It is filled with so much information for you to use that will benefit you greatly.  Members announce the promotion of their books here, as well as when their books are on sale as low as $.99, and​ also​ when they are FREE! Discounted and FREE books count towards your 4 purchases/reads/reviews, which you are required to​ perform each year of membership. (We encourage you to read and review as many member books as you are able to, but you’re only required to perform 4 annually to remain ​in good standing​ with the club). If you are an author, then you must perform one purchase/read/review every 3 months, which still comes out to 4 per year. If you are not purchasing/reading/reviewing as you should be, your book(s) will be removed from the catalog until you can show proof that you have returned to a compliant status​ within the club​. There will also be a re-listing fee of $5 per each title which you request to be re-listed in the catalog, therefore, it is always best to not be removed in the first place.

7) Join our illustrious, hard-working, uber-supportive TWEET SUPPORT TEAM! For more information, reach out to

8) If you have a blog, register to become a BLOG TOUR HOST with 4WillsPublishing where many of our authors go for their blog tours! Members who join this TEAM see such an increase in traffic to their blogs​,​ as well as an increase in the followers of their blogs, but that’s not why they become hosts. They do it because they want to support their fellow members.

9) Join our BOOKS DOWN LOW channel! BDL is a FREE text messaging channel where members go to announce their books that are on sale for FREE​,​ or either $.99. When they announce it, the members on this channel are so supportive that the​y​ run out to buy these books! Your book does not have to be marked down in this price range to join the channel​.​ You can show your support by “belonging” and taking part in grabbing those great book deals, although you cannot announce your book here unless it is FREE or $.99! You will need a smartphone to participate in the BDL channel and you will have to download the WHATSAPP app from your iPhone or Android ​app store​. Contact for more information and to register.

10) Support #PUSHTUESDAY winners! Once per month, we have a new randomly selected member to PUSH on social media! All you have to do to win a #PUSHTUESDAY​ slot​ is to support a #PUSHTUESDAY winner. On this day, our members head to social media and for 24 hours (and beyond) this member and their book are pushed heavily!!! You will receive a notice in your email box each ​#PUSH​TUESDAY morning, announcing who the #PUSHTUESDAY​ winner is for that day, then we ask that you head to social media (namely Twitter) and shout out to the world, news of the winner’s book!

11) Tune in to our RAVE WAVES TalkRadio Shows via Zoom! We have ​3 shows per month and you could be a guest on one soon! Visit each show page to meet the host and to find out who their next guest will be. Then, on the designated day of the show, we ask that you join us in the Zoom studio, ​and join in ​the conversation during the show! (Show specific hashtags are listed at the bottom of each show page for you to promote the shows on Twitter). This is so much fun and a great way for the world to find out more about ​our members​ and ​their​ books! For more info on our RAVE WAVES shows, please contact our RAVE WAVES Producer​ at​.​​ (Please DO NOT use a show’s hashtag to promote your book unless you have been a guest of that show).

12) Visit the pages on the site where members are being “spotlighted” and leave your supportive, encouraging comments, as well as liking the page​s​ and ​then ​sharing ​them​ on social media before you leave. (Examples of pages being referenced here: the RAVE WAVES show pages).

13) Set aside time in your day or on the weekend to visit each page on the site. The #RRBC site is filled with a wealth of helpful information that you can use to your benefit of supporting, as well as being supported.

14) Join us each month for our monthly BOOK CLUB DISCUSSIONS. These discussions are held virtually via Zoom and it​’s​ where we discuss the BOOKS OF THE MONTH and enjoy Q&A time with the authors. We encourage attendance at these events so that when it is your turn, you will receive the same kind of support!

15) Please read all of the widgets listed on the right-hand side of any page of the #RRBC site (sidebar), so that you can keep up with the important things going on in the club​,​ and so that you will have a bird’s eye view of who’s being pushed extra hard during various times of the month​;.

16) Familiarize yourself with the information listed in our FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ) forum as well as our CODE OF CONDUCT forum. The information listed on these two pages is invaluable! We ask that you visit these pages periodically, as information is updated and new information added.

17) If you’re still not sure of who you should contact regarding certain items on our website, or if you have a department-specific question, please visit our CONTACT US page. We ask that members DO NOT ask/leave questions on the site in the comments sections that clearly should be posed to the administration of #RRBC.

​18) Serve as a Show SPONSOR by purchasing a commercial for your book to be aired on our RAVE WAVES shows. These commercials are just another amazing tool to spread the word about your books and they also help to fund the many incentives we offer to our club members. At this time, commercial ads are only $25 for members, and what you get for that amount, is incredible! For more info on purchasing a commercial, click HERE.

19) Participate in club activities such as BOOK & BLOG BLOCK PARTIES, Writing Contests, PAY IT FORWARD Days and even our ​annual​ WRITERS’ CONFERENCE & BOOK EXPO​.

20) Check out {RWISA} RAVE WRITERS -INT’L SOCIETY OF AUTHORS.  If your writing is impeccable, apply to add your name to this roster of elite writers.

We hope that this information ​will ​prove​ to be useful ​to you. Please read through it all, again and again, visit the pages on the site and get to know your fellow member​s​. Always remember that those who are most supportive here, are the ones most supported here! We’re always here to help guide you in the right direction on your literary journey​ – all you have to do is ask!

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