Who’s On The Shelf “LIVE” w/@NonnieJules? @RRBC_Org @RRBC_RWISA @Tweets4RWISA @ptlperrin #RRBC #RWISA

Today’s SPECIAL FEATURE comes from a series of interviews of RRBC members entitled, WHO’S ON THE SHELF “LIVE” W/NONNIE JULES!   For years, you’ve gotten these interviews in print, but now you’re going to get our members like you’ve never seen them before… LIVE, in action, and some of them… you might even get “activated.” 

 The third member to sit on the shelf w/Nonnie “LIVE”…  RWISA Author, PTL “PATTY” PERRIN!

10 thoughts on “Who’s On The Shelf “LIVE” w/@NonnieJules? @RRBC_Org @RRBC_RWISA @Tweets4RWISA @ptlperrin #RRBC #RWISA”

  1. Dear Nonnie,

    Thank you for this interview, and for your outstanding editing! It was such fun to interact with you. You’re a lovely person who really does bring out the best in people. I deeply appreciate you.



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  2. Another one bites the dust! These new ‘live’ versions are wonderful and makes them more personable compared to the past reading responses. Thank you, Patty, for participating in the interview. It is great to learn more about you…our little misfit! Great job, as usual, Nonnie!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hi, Patty, Hi Nonnie,
      I love the song Oceans too, Patty. In fact, I was the keyboarder in our church band for ten years, and I loved playing that song when it came out. I must play it again. It has strong lyrics that speaks about challenge. Patty, I also enjoyed your book Reflections of a Misfit. I, too, thought that it was a great devotional, but now that I know you better, I think it could also be a memoir. I like your writing and I really enjoyed this interview with Nonnie. Keep writing, Lady.
      And thank you, Nonnie, for always challenging yourself to find ways that bring out the best in others.
      Shalom shalom

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      1. Thank you, Pat! I would have loved hearing you play Oceans. I would have cried, too. Can’t help myself when that song comes on. And thank you for reading Reflections of a Misfit. It is a bit of a memoir. I loved your comment to Nonnie, because it’s so true. She does find ways to bring out the best in us. I’m grateful!

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    2. Thank you, Karen! My reply to you is somewhere in this thread, unattached, and floating around. I’m delighted to know you. Being a member of this club, with all the great people here, is an experience I treasure. Nonnie is an artist in the way she conducted and edited this interview. What a joy!

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