Member Book Reviews – #RRBC

Welcome to RRBC Member Reviews!  We know you’ve probably shared it on Amazon (or, maybe Amazon took your review down and are refusing to put it back up for whatever reason), but we’d also love to know what you thought of the RRBC books you’ve read.

Please leave the title of your book, the author of the book and your review (along with your star-rating) down below in the comments section.  Before you leave, we’d also appreciate you clicking the share buttons on this page and sending it to all your social media platforms!  Members who have had reviews removed from Amazon will get credit if they share their reviews here.

Happy Reviewing!

Flipping Over Honest Reviews


1,565 thoughts on “Member Book Reviews – #RRBC”

  1. Hello everyone! I completed a review of MY LAST YEAR by Susanne Leist on Amazon yesterday. Here it is in its entirety:

    I thoroughly enjoyed the emotional roller-coaster ride of MY LAST YEAR by Susanne Leist. The story is told from the POV of NOUNOUS, a 14-year-old Maltese, whose ‘mom’ is the author. He’s sad that he is not able to do the things he used to do because of illness and old age. He knows his life is ending, and he worries about his ‘mom’ being alone after he is gone. He adores her and tries to spend as much soothing time as possible with her.

    Mom also adores Nounous and provides a helping hand whenever possible. She knows he’s getting close to the end of his life, and she wants to make his remaining time as accommodating as possible.

    Their love for one another is over the top. If you are a dog owner, you will resonate with this story. I imagine our past pets might have had the same thoughts as Nounous. The love will continue long after their final heartbeat.

    Short, sweet, and emotional. Don’t miss out on this tiny gem. I gave it several tears and five stars.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi everyone! I just finished my review of RIDE INTO ROMANCE by Karen Black and have posted on Amazon and elsewhere. Here it is:

    I was leery about getting into RIDE INTO ROMANCE by Karen Black because I’m not a fan of romance novels. But now that I’ve finished the story, I can gladly say that it was not at all what I expected. Instead, I found it somewhat educational, as the story followed Maggie around racetracks and the rodeo circuit. I learned a little about both events and the sacrifices and dedication necessary to own racehorses. I also learned that horses understand English. At least, it seemed that way when Maggie spoke to them. She’d been around horses all her life and could easily control the most stubborn of them with kind words and encouragement. It was as if she could get into their heads. Her dream, all along, was to be a thoroughbred jockey, and it was time to follow her dream. Only her boyfriend, David, an influential and wealthy horse trader, stood in her way.

    Did you ever have a close friend of the opposite sex, one that you grew up with and have shared your most intimate secrets with? Johnny was such a friend to Maggie, and not long ago, he moved to the West Coast and was now raising thoroughbreds. When Maggie calls Johnny and explains her situation, he offers to help her move and settle in on the West Coast. What Maggie didn’t know was that Johnny had been in love with her all along.

    Maggie leaves David and relocates to the West Coast. Once settled, Johnny uses his influence to get her a job with a well-known trainer. Her dream of becoming a successful thoroughbred jockey was coming true. However, David wants her back, and Johnny wants Maggie for himself. There is an altercation, and later, both men are seriously injured. How does it all turn out for Maggie? Read the book, you’ll be glad you did.

    The story is easy to read and flows well. Although I encountered some errors, I still give it four stars. It is highly recommended.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I gave A Mother’s Heart by Eichin Chang-Lim a 4 star review for this memoir of her son.

    An amazingly honest read about a mother’s love for a severely handicapped child. Eichin’s honest approach to a difficult situation is a true dedication to her cause of raising a child with such special needs. I so admire parents who not only deal with major trauma, hold down a professional job and care for a partner and other children. This read amazed me and how I admire a woman with so much strength of character in raising her son with Waardenburg Syndome. The raw emotion about guilt, sadness, and depression clearly shown in both parents and child.

    This is a book for those who find themselves in the difficulties of raising a handicapped child and for those looking on.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Joy,
      Thank you, Joy, for taking the time to read A Mother’s Heart and for your kind review. Your words have touched me deeply and I am filled with gratitude.
      All the best,

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Good day, Everyone. I read and posted the review: Ronald. L Powell: Missing in Action by Shirley Harris-Slaughter. It’s under the name Gabby. A compelling and emotional read!

    “Author Shirley Harris-Slaughter’s memoir is a heartfelt tribute to her brother, Ronald L. Powell, who joined the Marines in 1963 and later died under mysterious circumstances. The narrative captures her family’s profound grief and relentless search for answers, highlighting the struggles of black families in the 1960s. Harris-Slaughter’s frustration with government secrecy and her deep love for her brother are evident throughout. The memoir honors Ronald’s bravery and serves as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by military families. Rich in documented facts and historical context, this well-researched narration is a compelling and emotional read, shedding light on personal and collective struggles during a turbulent era.”

    Liked by 3 people

  5. I read and posted the review of Handprints by Wanda Adams Fischer on Amazon under the name Gabby. 

    A poignant and intriguing read

    “Handprints” by author Wanda Adams Fischer is a powerful and haunting novella that masterfully explores the complexities of mental conditions, realities, and human connection. The story of Edna St. Vincent Millay, who believes herself to be a famous poet, and her friendship with Anne of Green Gables intrigues attention from the first page. Fischer’s portrayal of their struggles within the Boston State Hospital is both poignant and thought-provoking, shedding light on the harsh realities of institutionalization in the 1940s. The narrative’s blend of historical context, emotional depth, and the protagonist’s resilient spirit makes this novella a compelling read. Though filled with moments of rage and despair, “Handprints” ultimately underscores the enduring power of love and hope, leaving readers profoundly moved and reflective. 

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Happy weekend, everyone!

    I read I’ll Be Right Back by author Maura Beth Brennan and posted it on Amazon under the name Gabby on May 17, 2024.

    A Well-Craft Short Story

    “I’ll Be Right Back” by author Maura Beth Brennan is a masterful short story that captivated me from start to finish. Warren’s desperate search for his missing wife, Iris, amidst a blizzard is both heart-wrenching and beautifully told. The characters are remarkably believable, especially the overbearing mother and loyal dog, Petal, who adds warmth and charm. Brennan’s ability to weave a suspenseful and emotionally resonant tale is remarkable. The unexpected twists kept me on the edge of my seat, and the ending left me in awe. This story is a brilliant exploration of love, loss, and self-discovery. It is a must-read for anyone who enjoys a quick, satisfying, and thought-provoking tale—highly recommended!

    Liked by 2 people

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