Who’s On The Shelf “LIVE” w/@NonnieJules? @RRBC_Org @RRBC_RWISA @Tweets4RWISA @Kirazian #RRBC #RWISA

Today’s SPECIAL FEATURE comes from a series of interviews of RRBC members entitled, WHO’S ON THE SHELF “LIVE” W/NONNIE JULES!   For years, you’ve gotten these interviews in print, but now you’re going to get our members like you’ve never seen them before… LIVE, in action, and some of them… you might even get “activated.” 

The next member to sit on the shelf w/Nonnie “LIVE”…  RWISA Author, LISA KIRAZIAN!


12 thoughts on “Who’s On The Shelf “LIVE” w/@NonnieJules? @RRBC_Org @RRBC_RWISA @Tweets4RWISA @Kirazian #RRBC #RWISA”

  1. Hi Lisa,

    I am sorry I’m late. I enjoyed your interview tremendously. I wouldn’t mind trying out the Armenian dish that you mentioned. It is something that I am sure I would eat with gusto. I feel like I know you better after this interview. Your smile is catching. It shows your heart.

    Wishing you all the best. Keep writing and moving forward.

    Shalom shalom,


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  2. Hi Lisa.

    You exude so much positive energy and its a joy listening to you answer some of the questions with such depth. The one about living together with aging parents being a thing of the past hits the nail right on the head. We have gotten away from that here in the United States and its so unfortunate.

    Black is your favorite color? It is good with all kinds of vibrant colors, I must say and agree with you.

    I once had a relative playing for the Baltimore Orioles (don’t know if they still exist); his name is Tony Blair. He was distant so I never got to really know him personally but its nice knowing someone famous is connected to you.

    You’re getting into golf? I wish I could be as interested. Maybe if I understood it a little better that would change. I admire any woman who gets into it.

    Hats off to your love of classical music. I grew up listening to classical and so came to appreciate it along with other genres of music. I really love listening to “Dancing Queen” and enjoyed it in a movie I once saw starring Toni Collette. It makes you feel good.

    Last one … Reviews! Your assessment sums it right up. From a reader’s standpoint sharing how the story made you feel would be very important. I wished I could have thought of this when I was “on the shelf”. My mind went blank. From author’s standpoint, looking at the content and pace, punctuation in the story would be very important. I always get floored as to how to do a review without giving away the plot yet addressing these points that you made. Brilliant!

    I enjoyed your interview and learned a little something along the way.

    Congratulations Lisa!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for listening to the interview, Shirley, and for all of your wonderful points that you made! I really appreciate it! And yes that Toni Collette movie was “Muriel’s Wedding” – I loved it! Thanks for all your fine writing and insight as well….


      1. Wow, Lisa! What a ball of energy you are! You should also add “compelling speaker” to your list of accomplishments. You have a voice that makes listeners want to continue listening to you speak, and your personality shines. I don’t feel like the Tigers are going to do well this year, so the best to both Boston and SD. I’ll wait patiently for football season and the Detroit Lions. Season tickets are sold out again for the second year in a row. It is a pleasure to know you and I wish you well in all your future endeavors. Thank you, too, Nonnie, for making me smile during some of your comments. Great interview ladies!

        ps What’s the difference between screenwriting and playwriting, aren’t they basically the same?

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        1. Aw thanks for the kind and encouraging words, John! Yeah Lions had a great season, congrats! And this year is the 40th anniversary of Tigers and Padres being in the World Series! Also, playwriting is for the stage/theater; screenwriting is for film/tv – they can really be different!

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